The Young Equestrian Leaders Award (YELA) is an award scheme for the British Equestrian Federation (BEF) designed to recognise the time and effort young volunteers give to equestrianism and shape their experience, so they become equestrian leaders of the future.

YELA runs over three progressive levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Bronze requires 20 hours of volunteering and introduces skills in responsibility, organisation and communication—and Silver develops these further. The Gold Award requires 120 hours of volunteering, encouraging leadership and the planning and delivery of a specific project.

Many members of our branch are taking part in the scheme, you may have met them helping at or organising branch events  whilst learning new skills and making new friends.

If you are over 13 years old and want to find out more visit the YELA  website, you can register for the Bronze Level for free (usually £14) by quoting your Pony Club Membership Number.