There are Area team competitions in most of the sports offered by the branch:
- Show Jumping – PC70, PC80, PC90, PC100, and PC110.
- Eventing– PC70, PC80, PC90, PC100, PC105 and PC110
- Dressage – PC70, Grassroots, Novice, Intermediate and Open
- Tetrathlon – Junior, Intermediate and Open
- Mounted Games – Junior and Senior
- Polocrosse – whilst polocrosse does not have an Area competition as such, it does require attendance at a qualifying event, the same selection criteria will be applied when selecting Championship teams.
- Members should be active in the Branch; this may be at either rallies or training. Active means regular attendance and can include helping at events and rallies. Where possible attendance at camp is desirable.
- Teams, in all but Mounted games, will be chosen by the Team Manager, with input from Coach/Trainer and approval by the D.C. For Mounted Games the coach/trainer will decide the teams with approval by the DC.
- Any team that qualifies for further events may be subject to change at the discretion of Team Manager or D.C.
- Training will be given in all sports.
- Attendance at branch training, together with past results, will be taken into consideration as part of the selection process.
- Members competing at the 110cm/Open levels should have attained their C Test as a minimum or be actively working towards C.
- Members representing their Branch must be competent and able to ride safely at the standard requested.
- Members should be available for the respective Championship date.
- Members and horses will be expected to be turned out correctly according to the rules of the sport and be a credit to the Branch.
Members interested in representing NWPC in dressage, show jumping and eventing Area team competitions will be invited to register their interest in being considered at the beginning of the year.
Remember it is a privilege to be chosen to represent the Branch and members should show commitment and respect to Team Manager, coaches/trainers and other team members.
Finally, it is a TEAM competition and whilst we all want to do well, we all have our days when things don’t go according to plan. Team members and parents should support one another through the good and the bad days. Parents, you are there to support, undue pressure does not help anyone, be it your own child or other team members. BE CONSIDERATE
“As a Member of The Pony Club, I stand for the best in sportsmanship as well as in horsemanship. I shall compete for the enjoyment of the game well played and take winning or losing in my stride, remembering that without good manners and good temper, sport loses its cause for being. I shall endeavour to treat my horse with consideration.”