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Eventing is the ultimate equestrian challenge comprised of dressage, show jumping and cross country.

It can be likened to a triathlon, with horses and riders demonstrating a range of skills across the three disciplines. To compete successfully in eventing, combinations must show harmony and rhythm in the dressage, balance and precision in the show jumping and accuracy and bravery in the cross country phase. The combination with the lowest penalty score at the end of the event is the winner. As horses and riders move up the levels, the difficulty and technicality of the phases increases.

Eventing Competitions

The eventing season begins in the spring. If you wish to compete in Pony Club one day events, then you need to contact the relevant discipline organisers as early in the year as possible so they know to alert you to schedules and training. Anna Bruin organises mini eventing, PC70 and PC80, with Suzie Vickery organising PC90, PC100, and PC110.  (The number refers to the height of the fences within the jumping phases).

Regular training sessions are organised for the three eventing stages – Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross Country.  These will be advertised on the calendar. Do come along and join in; we are a friendly bunch and newcomers are very welcome, whether you want to compete or not.

Places at competitions always fill up very quickly and numbers are often restricted. Please do inform Anna and Suzie what competitions you would like to enter and they will make up teams and advise you when to enter online. We would always recommend that you compete at the height lower than what you jump at home and in training, so that you can tackle the competition with confidence.

Members who compete regularly for the branch may be selected to compete at Area with the chance of qualifying for the National Pony Club Championships (PC90 level and above) or the Regional Pony Club Championships (PC70 and PC80).

If you compete at an event for the branch please remember:

  • Dressage – plain white or black numnah, no martingales, and check rules for bits.
  • SJ & Cross Country – ideally OS&B numnah with OS&B cross country colours and hat silk.  Also remember body protectors, and number bibs are often required, so it is useful to have your own.
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Suzie Vickery

Eventing Organiser PC90-PC110
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Anna Bruin

Eventing Organiser PC70-PC80