Pony Racing - Old Surrey & Burstow Hunt

Pony Racing

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Pony Racing allows Pony Club members to experience the thrill and experience of racing – but on ponies!

Members wishing to give pony racing a go must be aged 9 years old on 1st January (in the current calendar year) and can race up until the day of their 17th birthday.

The ponies taking part must be aged between 5 and 20 years old and be fit and sound to race. They must also measure no more than 148cm.

Pony Racing Competitions

If you decide you want to enter a Race Day, the combination must meet certain eligibility criteria and must have completed:

  • a minimum of two ridden group rallies of one hour in duration. The ridden activity to take place in a wide open space; or
  • a minimum of one (passed) PRA/PC Training Day; or
  • attended and completed a British Racing School or National Racing College or Scottish Racing Academy Level 3 training day (Passed)
Contact Image

Caroline Matthews

District Commissioner