Show Jumping

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Show Jumping is where a horse and rider combination are tested over a course of fences which can be knocked down if they are hit. The goal is to complete the course in the fastest time without getting any faults.

Faults are gained when a fence is knocked down, the horse stops at a fence (refuse) or the horse runs around a fence (run out).

Most of our rallies will include jumping instruction, so there are lots of opportunities to have a go and improve your jumping before entering a competition. We also offer team training for those who are working towards Area Qualifier competitions.

Show Jumping Competitions

If you are interested in Show Jumping for the branch please contact the Branch’s Show Jumping Organisers. Members must to be seen jumping before entering a team.

Schedules for Pony Club Show Jumping Competitions are sent out to those who have expressed an interest. Each competition will have a closing date clearly stated and please let us know asap if you are interested in competing in a particular event.

Area Qualifiers for the Pony Club Spring Festival, National Pony Club Championships, and Regional Pony Club Championships are held during the year. Details of these will be published on the calendar.

Unfortunately there can be no guarantees of team selection, but the aim is to put into teams all riders who are keen to compete and who are of the required standard for the class . Unfortunately sometimes there may not be a place on a team as we do not always get the exact number of riders for teams of 4 (or 3 if necessary). We may also be limited by the host pony club in the number of teams we are allowed to send to a competition.

Most competitions hold individual classes as well. These can be for riders who want to do 2 classes, riders who do not make the team on that day and riders who do not want to jump in a team or who feel they are not ready to jump in a team.

Please arrive plenty of time before you are due to jump, with time to course walk. Find the designated team manager for that day. Please make sure you and your pony and tack are clean and tidy. Further advice on dress code can be found in the Pony Club Show Jumping Rulebook.

Contact Image

Fern Dogger

Show Jumping Entries Organiser
Contact Image

Sam Holland

Show Jumping Team Manager & Training Organiser