QHPC Dress and Tack code

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Please observe the QHPC dress and tack codes below

Dress and Tack – must be clean, tidy and safe

QHPC kit can be obtained from: https://www.gggear.co.uk/quorn-hunt-pc-277-c.asp

COMPETITIONS – QHPC Burgundy to be worn or as specified. See QHPC Competition Hints and Tips and/or speak to the DC, Lead Coach or any activity organiser or Team Manager.

BRANCH ACTIVITIES (Rallies, Training, Camps) – Riders

  • QHPC sweatshirt (burgundy or navy) / Tweed, black or navy riding jacket / QHPC bomber jacket
  • Long or short-sleeved shirt (white or pale blue) with collar and PC Tie or PC stock (as appropriate)
  • Long (navy) or short (burgundy) sleeved QHPC polo shirt
  • Long-sleeved QHPC base layer (burgundy)
  • PLAIN solid colour (no stripes or patterns) breeches/jodhpurs in cream, beige, black, navy or brown
  • Pony Club badge and test felt (if applicable) worn on left lapel
  • Long or short black or brown standard riding or jodhpur boots with smooth soles and a well-defined square cut heel. Boots with interlocking treads are not permitted, nor are the boots or treads individually
  • Chaps matching boot colour (no tassels or fringes)
  • Hat meeting PC standards (see here and scroll down) with black, navy or brown cover (no pom poms)
  • Body protector as appropriate meeting PC standards (see here and scroll down)
  • Long hair must be tied back securely in a safe manner to limit risk of hair being caught. We recommend the use of a hair net
  • No jewelery except wristwatch, stock pin/tie clip worn horizontally, wedding band (if applicable). It is recommended stock pins are removed for XC. If it is impossible to remove earrings then they must be covered with a plaster.
  • Makeup should be discreet, if used at all, and nails should be a sensible length. No acrylic gels or fake nails
  • Long-sleeves MUST be worn when taking part in Mounted Games or Pony Racing activities
  • No hoods or hoodies to be worn whilst riding
  • No wellington boots, country boots, muckers or trainers. Yard boots are unsuitable for riding but can be worn for H&P Care

BRANCH ACTIVITIES (Rallies, Training, Camps) – Horses/Ponies

  • No horses/ponies under the age of 4
  • Horses/Ponies to be properly groomed and turned out
  • Plain black or brown tack, including stirrups (no other colours except stirrups can be traditional silver-coloured)
  • White, cream or dark coloured girth
  • QHPC navy or burgundy saddlecloth or plain black or brown numnah/saddlecloth
  • Neck strap compulsory (black or brown)
  • Plain black or brown boots / ear covers (if worn)