QHPC Competition Hints / Tips

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QHPC is part of Pony Club Area 6.

Interbranch competitions for all levels are held throughout the year by QHPC and neighbouring Branches. Area competitions are qualifiers for PC National and Regional Championships. See the Calendar for Branch, Area and Championship activities and dates.

We can send more than one team of 3 or 4 (3 best scores count) to most events, but individuals can also compete so there are opportunities for everyone to have a go. You can sometimes enter direct but our QHPC team managers often co-ordinate entries for Interbranch events and Branch entry is often required for Area competitions.

To be eligible for Area competitions, you must be a member at the closing date for entries and on the date of the competition and you need to be an active member of the Branch, attending three qualifying rallies/training sessions since 1 July in the previous year by the date of the competition. One must have been in the current year.

Starting out can be a bit daunting – how to prepare, what to enter, what to wear. Hopefully we can answer most of your questions on this page.

Prepare yourself by taking part in branch activities to gain skills and improve. Season planning; Rallies for All; specialist rallies. Look at the individual sport information found in Useful Information and then Resources Hub.

What to enter Look at the Calendar (either the specific Area 6 Area 6 Eligibility Rules / Dates or the national PC calendar Calendar) and note the dates of competitions and look for schedules. Carefully read schedules for entry details as some criteria (e.g age, jumping heights) can differ between Branches and types of competition. Respond to team managers’ requests for Interbranch and Area competitions.

Team etiquette On competition days, if you have entered as a team your team manager (or another nominated person) may collect all the numbers and confirm the entries. Keep in contact with them and confirm arrival at the event. Also remember that we usually look for a team photo opportunity so stay with your team members and check before untacking your pony or getting changed. If there is prize-giving, please be present (usually on foot) wearing competition dress, including your riding hat.

What to wear In general, follow the ‘Dress and Tack information’, including plain brown or black tack. However, dress, tack and bits allowed can vary between sports. There is guidance below including the QHPC team clothing to be worn. More details are in Pony Club Rulebooks that can be found here but contact Team Managers if you are unsure.

New equipment is not expected, but what is worn (by rider and pony) must be clean, safe, neat and tidy. There is sometimes a “tack and turnout” competition at PC Show Jumping events and ‘tack and turnout’ checks at other events and Team Managers will help to ensure consistency across a team. We are often complimented on how smart QHPC teams are at various events.

Hat/bridle cameras or electronic devices are not allowed to be worn by rider or pony.

Pony Club badge and test felt (as applicable) to be worn on the left lapel.

Dressage Horses/ponies to be plaited. Plain white saddlecloth (no logos unless using the QHPC white saddlecloth with pale blue QHPC logo). Bandages and boots can be worn while riding-in but not during a test. Martingales are not allowed, but breastplates and neckstraps are permitted. Whips for dressage are restricted to 102cm in length, measured up to the tassel. Whips are not allowed in the Dressage phase of an Eventing competition at PC90, PC100, PC Chairman’s Cup and PC110.

White, cream or beige breeches/jodhpurs (with or without dark-coloured contrast seat); traditional jackets (tweed or black or navy); white or cream shirt (short or long sleeves) with PC tie or PC stock. Gloves must be worn (preferably white or cream to match jodhpurs but black or brown permitted depending on jacket)

Show Jumping Horses/ponies to be plaited. QHPC burgundy saddlecloth when representing QHPC. Martingales and neckstraps are allowed. Whips are allowed and must be padded (no less than 45cm or greater than 70cm in overall length; contact area is 2/5ths of overall length and covered by a smooth ‘pad’; no binding within 17cm of the end of the ‘pad’).

White, fawn, beige or light grey breeches/jodhpurs (with or without dark-coloured contrast seat); traditional jackets (tweed or black or navy); white or cream shirt with PC tie or PC stock. Gloves are optional.


Horses/ponies to be plaited in dressage and SJ phases. Plain white saddlecloth for dressage phase (see Dressage notes above); QHPC burgundy saddlecloth for SJ and XC phases. Bandages and boots not allowed during dressage test. Martingales not allowed in dressage phase but neckstraps are. In Dressage phase, whips allowed at levels PC70, PC80; but not at levels PC90, PC100, PC Chairman’s Cup and PC110. In SJ and XC phases, whips are allowed and must be padded (not less than 45cm or greater than 70cm in overall length; contact area is 2/5ths of overall length and covered by a smooth ‘pad’).

White, cream or beige breeches/jodhpurs (with or without dark-coloured contrast seat) and  traditional jackets (see Dressage above) for Dressage and SJ phases. White, cream, beige, dark or muted colour breeches/jodhpurs (with or without dark-coloured contrast seat) for XC phase. QHPC burgundy long-sleeved base layer or QHPC burgundy sweatshirt; and QHPC burgundy/pale blue hat cover for XC phase. Gloves compulsory for dressage phase (see Dressage section above), optional for other phases. It is recommended that stock pins are removed for XC. Medical armband for XC phase if rider has a medical condition that may impact on their care in an emergency. Stop watches may be worn at PC90, PC100, PC Chairman’s Cup, and PC110 levels.

Arena Eventing As in Eventing XC phase, except no stop watches are permitted. Whips allowed (as described in Eventing XC phase).

Tetrathlon For riding phase: Breeches/jodhpurs as Eventing XC phase above. QHPC burgundy saddlecloth. QHPC burgundy long-sleeved base layer or QHPC burgundy sweatshirt; and QHPC burgundy/pale blue hat cover. Whips allowed (as described in Eventing XC phase). Consult team manager about clothing for other phases.

Mounted games QHPC burgundy saddlecloth. Black, cream or beige jodhpurs/riding tights as long as of a single colour and uniformity across team; no breeches, no chaps or long boots. White shirt with long sleeves and PC tie. No metal Pony Club badge to be worn. White sweatshirt provided (consult Team Managers). No whips or spurs allowed.

Hats must conform to PC requirements and be tagged with a “pink” hat tag. A jockey skull cap (with no fixed peak or peak extensions) is compulsory Eventing, Tetrathlon and Horse Trials; Mounted Games and Pony Racing. Black or navy cover (no pom poms).

Body protectors and Air Jackets A body protector may be worn for dressage, is recommended for SJ and is compulsory for Cross Country (all types) and Pony Racing. The minimum standard from 1 January 2024 is BETA 2018 Level 3 (blue and black label), BETA 2009 is no longer acceptable. If an air jacket is worn for Cross Country or Pony Racing it must be in addition to the normal body protector. In the event of a fall in Cross Country or Pony Racing the air jacket must be fully deflated or removed before continuing, after which, the conventional body protector will continue to give protection. Air jackets must not be worn under a jacket and suitable elasticated number bibs should be worn over an air jacket. (NOTE: a fall at Area/Championship level in Dressage or a fall at a SJ or XC competition results in elimination).


Spurs may not be worn by a Pony Club member at a Pony Club activity or event unless that member has passed either the Pony Club C+ Riding Test or the Pony Club Spurs Test.

Horses on the day

On the day of any Pony Club competition, a horse/pony may only be ridden by the rider who is riding the horse/pony in the competition.

Persons other than the competitor may lunge the horse, or horse and rider

Whilst exercising, warming up or competing it is ONLY permissible to use the saddlery allowed under the rules

If in doubt, ask any Branch Official or Team Manager.

The DC and Branch Secretary have access to the current Pony Club Rulebooks. They can also be found here.

Most importantly, have fun!