Tuesday evenings at Hurst Lodge, Over Wallop SO20 8JQ.
Times: 4.45pm, 5.30pm, 6.15pm, 7pm (inc. 10m)
Subscriptions: please check you’re paid up so you can continue with your PC activities, most subs are due now.
Shooting dates for Spring Term are on Tuesday evenings at Hurst Lodge, Over Wallop
Times: 4.45pm, 5.30pm, 6.15pm, 7pm
4th March
11th March
18th March
25th March
Sunday 30th March Triathlon Championships
1st April
8th April Easter Holidays, times as usual
Sunday 13th April Wilton PC Triathlon with Sandroyd School
NOT on 15th April
Sunday 15th June Royal Artillery PC Tetrathlon, Dene Farm, Nether Wallop