Shooting practice

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Shooting practice: 

Tuesday evenings at Hurst Lodge, Over Wallop SO20 8JQ.  Times: 4.45pm, 5.30pm, 6.15pm, 7pm (inc. 10m)  Please note new times, hope this works for everyone.

A weekly list is emailed on Sunday / Mondays.  Rally fee £20/ 7 sessions. See email for Bank details

Shooting dates for Spring Term are on Tuesday evenings at Hurst Lodge, Over Wallop

Times:  4.45pm, 5.30pm, 6.15pm, 7pm


NOT on 4th February
11th February
18th February Half Term, times as usual
25th February


4th March
11th March
18th March
25th March
Sunday 30th March  Triathlon Championships


1st April
8th April  Easter Holidays, times as usual
Sunday 13th April  Wilton PC Triathlon with Sandroyd School
NOT on 15th April

Sunday 15th June  Royal Artillery PC Tetrathlon, Dene Farm, Nether Wallop

Swimming:  if you’d like details for swimming lessons or swimming club, please get in touch.
Tidworth Congors are popular with RAPC tetrathletes, Monday & Thursday 7 – 8pm.
Swimming lessons at Farleigh School with Roslyn Swimming.
Please let me know if you have any questions.  Looking forward to seeing you all and keep up with the Fitness, Fun and Friends!
Jane Uloth
07970 945670
RAPC Tetrathlon manager
Rally fees:  Payments to RA Pony Club account

Swimming Training:
RAPC have a long association with Tidworth Congers, and many of our members have enjoyed training in this club with great success at improving their technique, skills and stamina.
We have a number of members who are ready for the next step and it’s fun to swim together.
Let Jane know if you need further details.