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Achievement Badges:
These are earned at Care rallies and Summer camps, for members 9 yrs and over
Mini badges for 8 yrs and under.
The subjects covered are relevant to each age group, and the PC test which you are working towards
Non Equine badges
You can prepare a project or poster at home, (spend about 2 – 3 hours on it) and hand in a paper copy to Jane or Tommie, and you can earn a badge (£1ea) to add to your collection.  ie Pet Sense, Birds, Wild Life, Trees etc
Gold Award
This badge is awarded to Members who have successfully completed at least 14 Mini Achievement Badges.

Blue Cross Equine Merit: 
Awarded when 10 welfare badges are achieved
This badge is awarded to Members who have successfully completed the relevant Mini Achievement Badges (see syllabus for full list).

Gold Award
When you have achieved 21 main badges
We usually present these at the Prize Giving and Parents’ Evening in February half term.
What are Pony Club Tests?
The Pony Club Training structure encourages members to take tests which enables them to learn progressively about horse and pony care and riding. The tests are taken at recommended ages and are designed with certain objectives in mind – see below for the order in which tests are taken.

List of Tests

The list of tests available to members can be viewed below – note that some tests are optional.