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Tetrathlon Manager & Trainer: Jane Uloth

email:  nollandjane@gmail.com

mobile 07970945670

Area 14 – Winter Tri Accumulator – Beanies

Tuesday 18th February, half term – Goal setting session (life skills), inspirational speeches and social evening for RA Tetrathletes and parents, plus adjacent PC members who shoot regularly with us, and their parents. 
Beanie parents welcome, suitable for members 8 years and over.

At St Peter’s Church Hall, Over Wallop SO20 8HT – I’ll send a map later showing parking.

5.30 – 7.30pm

No rally fee, as a thank you to everyone who helps at the RA Tetrathlon and Leweston Triathlon.

Refreshments – tea / squash etc.  Offers of cakes would be most welcome, thank you.

It will be an interactive workshop around SMARTER Goals
an opportunity to hear some inspirational speeches from members who would like to share “what Tetrathlon has done for me” with an accent on the benefits of the training and competing, and friends etc.
time to chat

Also please bring your Tetrathlon scrap books to show and inspire others, showing your record of fitness, fun and friends.

RSVP: to Jane

Looking forward to seeing you all.

Tetrathlon: Consists of shooting, running, swimming and cross country riding.
Competitions are normally run from April to October and often over two days
Triathlon: consists of only shooting, running and swimming, normally run during the winter months.
The aim of the competition is to accumulate as many points as possible over the different phases.
Age groups are (ages as at 1st January of that year)


8 to 11 years
2 hands at 7m
2 minutes
12 to 14 years
1 hand at 7m
3 minutes
Senior Intermediate
15 years and over
1 hand at 10m
Girls 1500mBoys 2000m
3 minutes
Senior Open
Under 21
1 hand at 10m
Girls 1500mBoys 3000m
3 minutes         4 minutes
You don’t have to be a brilliant athlete to take part in this very enjoyable Pony Club event.  It is lots of fun and you will get to know Pony Club members form other Branches and Centres.

Rider Fitness badge: the syllabus is attached, why not make a poster or project and include your training record, we’ll have a Rider Fitness badge session in March.

Keep up the great training.  For fitness, fun and friends be a Tetrathlete!