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The great news is that you have probably already started doing some dressage!

When you are riding at home and getting your pony to do the things you want them to do you are already practicing the basics of dressage. To improve you and your pony, you might want to have lessons with an instructor. This includes the lessons that you have at a Rally, where you will get help with your riding which will make the pony go better.

Dressage Within The Branch:

There are several Achievement Badges that link in with the Dressage from Mini to those aimed at C+ level and above. Mini Sequence of Footfalls, Dressage Markers, Riding on the Lunge, Fitness, Plaiting, Rider Nutrition, Sequence of Footfalls and Understanding Training. We aim to cover as many of these within the Branch Programme as we can, so look out for them.


Jane Bryden          07919 113 233



We have a variety of Dressage and Flatwork Rallies throughout the year to suit every member.

FIRST STEPS – These rallies are aimed predominantly at younger members those on and off the lead-rein. Also a fantastic introduction for new members or even older members with new ponies.

FLATWORK/DRESSAGE RALLY -These are open to every member throughout the Branch irrelevant of whether you have an interest in competing in Dressage Competitions. We use a variety of Coaches and Trainers and members are grouped within their abilities. If you are thinking about taking Pony Club Tests these are also a great way to improve your riding. They are also a chance to let your Manager see where you and your pony are, which can help them decide which level may be suitable for Area Competitions.

For dates and booking into forthcoming Rallies, please follow the link below to our calendar of events.



Competing In Dressage:

Everyone who can walk and trot off the Lead-rein has the chance to compete for the Branch throughout the year.

GRASSROOTS  there are a range of grassroots competitions and look out for classes at our Summer Show too.

INTERBRANCH there are a number of Dressage Competitions held by Pony Club Branches throughout the year where members can compete as representatives of the Branch and form part of a Team. If you are keen on attending one of these please let your Jane Bryden know so we can see if we can put a Team forward.

AREA COMPETITIONS Held in the summer months this is our major competition of the year. Members are entered by the Branch. Those who wish to be considered for a Team must let Jane Bryden know as soon as possible in the New Year. You need to make sure you and your pony are rallied up and get to some Rallies so we can see you and your ponies together.

There are four levels at Area:

1. The Regional Championship (formerly Grassroots)

2. Novice

3. Intermediate

4. Open.

CHAMPIONSHIPS For those members who are successful at Area the next stop is the Pony Club Championships the highlight of the Pony Club Calendar.