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Pony Racing is an exhilarating sport and is brilliant fun. As a branch we are very lucky to have our very own Race Horse Trainer Melanie Rowley from Rowley Racing who hosts us for Racing Rallies at their gallops throughout the year.

We also from time to time are privillaged to have organisations who come in and give taster sessions about racing and we even get to have a go on their Equicisors!


What is Pony Racing?

Pony racing mirrors the Horse Racing you see on the television. Held on licenced racecourses across the UK (such as Ascot and Cheltenham), pony racing allows Pony Club members to experience the thrill and experience of racing – but on ponies! Members wishing to give pony racing a go must be aged 9 years old on 1st January (in the current calendar year) and can race up until the day of their 17th birthday. The ponies taking part must be aged between 5 and 20 years old and be fit and sound to race. They must also measure no more than 148cm.

How Do I Get Involved?

There are many different types of sessions that can be run to give members a taste of racing:

  • Racing Rallies
    Held throughout the year at Rowley Racing.
  • PC/PRA Training days
    Training days where you can receive a full range of support from using an Equicisor, speaking to racing coaches and gallop on your pony in a group. These days also count as an eligibility qualification for a Race Day.
  • Race Days
    A chance to get competitive on race courses such as Cheltenham and Ascot! If you decide you want to enter a Race Day, the combination must meet certain eligibility criteria and must have completed since 1st July in the previous year:

    • A minimum of two ridden group rallies of one hour in duration. The ridden activity to take place in a wide open space; or
    • A minimum of one (passed) PRA/PC Training Day; or
    • Attended and completed a British Racing School or National Racing College or Scottish Racing Academy Level 3 training day (Passed)

More information about Pony Racing along with details of key competitions, events and training days can be found here Pony Racing on the Pony Club Website.

To view the latest Pony Racing rule book please click here Pony Racing Rule Book



Massive well done to Seb Stallard and Spot the Difference romping home to claim an amazing 4th place in their race at Wolverhampton today

Congratulations Seb you were brilliant x


Yet another fab pony club racing adventure for Seb and the lovely Spot the Difference at Bangor today. Great riding by Seb brought them home in 6th place

Well done Seb and team – and well done Spot! x