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Dressage is great fun and here at the Wheatland Hunt Pony Club we hold regular flat work rallies and dressage training throughout the year. Dressage is something everyone can get involved in starting off at Grassroots level which is a basic walk, trot, canter test.  If you would like to have a go we would love to see you, come and join in the fun!

What is Dressage?

Dressage is a sport where horse and rider perform a series of predetermined movements set out in a dressage test with accuracy, rythem and style. A judge marks the test and gives you a mark out of ten for how well you carry out each instruction. At the end of the test the marks are added up and the winner is the horse and rider with the highest score.

How Do I Get Involved?

The good news is that you have probably already started doing some Dressage! When you are riding at home and getting the pony to do the things that you want him to do you are already practising the basics of dressage. There are lots of opportunities to practice dressage through competitions at various levels

  • Unafilliated
  • Preliminary PC70
  • Grassroots PC80
  • Novice
  • Intermedate 
  • Open

More information on Dressage along with details of the dressage tests, key competitions & events can be found here DRESSAGE on the Pony Club Website.

To view the latest Dressage rule book please click here 2024 Dressage Rule Book



A very wet day was had by all yesterday but that didn’t stop our fabulous Wheatland members doing an absolutely awesome job representing the branch.
Ruby – PC70 – 9th place and qualifying for regional champs👏
Wheatland Black (Katie, Maisie & Millie-Jane) – Team 11th with Maisie picking up individual 6th and a Regional Champs qualification place 👏
Wheatland Gold (Erin, Holly & Izzy) – Team 7th with Erin placing 10th, Holly placing 6th and Izzy placing 2nd all with Regional Champs qualifications 👏
Layla – Novice – 4th place 👏
Bella – Open – Team 1st with a mixed Area team and individual 4th qualifying for Champs.👏
All the girls were fabulous yesterday especially as the conditions were very unpleasant!! Their team spirit and kindness and support for their friends shine through. Well done everyone 👏👏👏👏👏 you are all AMAZING 🤩 


Three lovely grassroots dressage tests in torrential rain for Izzy, Katie & Maisie you all looked so smart even though you were drenched!! No ribbons today but lovely to see some dressage divas strutting their stuff. Well done girls


Millie-Jane rode a beautiful test to finish 13th in her section very well done MJ.



Day 1 Isabella and Lara danced there little socks off in the Open dressage to music to the music from Shrek coming 5th in a class of 23 with 73.4%. A

Day 2 Isabella and Lara flew the flag again for Wheatland in the open Dressage. Bella won her Open Section by 4% and then went into the overall Championship ride off and came 4th. They were also 5th as part of the Area 7 team.

Amazing result Bella very well done you are amazing.


Isabella Rowley rode two lovely rounds, a lovely round on Jumbo and a master class on Lara coming second individually and getting team 1st  in a mixed team qualifying for PC Champs.

Millie-Jane also had two superb rounds on Twiggy and Lorrie getting two 8th places on exactly the same score.

We are so proud of you girls, well done.