Members need to have attended a minimum of THREE ridden rallies as a COMBINATION (if you attended camp in 2024 this counts as one rally) AND TWO HPC session prior to camp to qualify to attend.
Horses attending rallies and camps must be in good health and fit enough to cope with the demands of the event and any associated travelling. Horses must be a suitable mount for the rider. We reserve the right to omit a pony from camp or to send it home should we feel it is unsuitable or unsafe for activities. If you have a new horse or a loan horse before camp, we request that you have attended at least ONE ridden rally on it as we need to assess it for suitability in an open space in a group situation. You need to have been fully assessed by our Coach Advisor and signed off. This is a last resort, and we have the right to refuse entry to camp if we do not feel the combination is suitable. For both camps ponies need to be suitable and fit enough for the work they will be asked to do (see additional notes on Veterinary form).
Only one horse/pony per person can be accommodated and horses/ponies cannot be shared by members. Due to the camp weeks running on from each other ponies will only be allowed to attend Junior OR Senior camp.
To be held at Upper House Farm, Harpsden from Monday 28th July to Thursday 31st July (with set-up on Sunday 27th July.) This is a non- residential camp for members from Reception Year (age 4+ and confident to be left all day). We also accommodate older members who are new, novice or not quite ready socially to move up to senior camp at Junior camp to give you a good grounding.
You arrive daily with your ponies to start riding at 10am each day, going home at the end of the day after tea and activities at 4pm. Children will ride both in the morning and the afternoon with a stable management session in between. We will provide a picnic style lunch each day that will be eaten in the mess tent. Children are divided into rides (by age and ability) and sections for lunch, activities and games.
This is a great fun camp designed to encourage, give confidence, and prepare for senior camp and really progress members’ riding and knowledge.
Cost: £160
SENIOR CAMP for members in CURRENT ACADEMIC YEAR 7 (12 YEARS) AND ABOVE. Due to being restricted to 36 members, priority will be given to older members initially. All participants must be active members of the Branch.
2025 Senior Camp will be held at BCA from Friday 1st August to Tuesday 5th August with set-up of stables and camp site on the afternoon of Friday 1st August. Parents to attend the afternoon session prize giving on Tuesday 6th August.
The aim of Senior Camp is to educate and encourage teamwork with members learning to take responsibility for the welfare of both them and their horse/pony while at the same time having great fun with likeminded individuals! Senior Camp is fully residential for both members and horses/ponies, and you must be committed to attend, staying on site, for the whole week. Due to the volume of members attending camps, we will be unable to accommodate members or horses dipping in and out on a daily/ad hoc basis as it is too disruptive, impossible to timetable and holds safeguarding and welfare issues.
Members will be grouped into instructional rides according to age and ability and will normally work with the same instructor all week. They will also be placed in ‘sections’ (teams) that are led by experienced senior members who will oversee and help them carry out their stable duties that are then marked on a daily basis. Experienced help is always on hand, and we employ two dedicated ‘Masters of Horse’ to oversee the equine welfare and management.
Cost £425.
Accommodation is in shared caravans, horseboxes or tents provided by members. We ask that members find a group of similar aged friends to share with in groups of up to four (although smaller groups are better for those who need more sleep). Meals are eaten in our mess tent, which is our main ‘base’ and used for a number of other activities. We ask that parents provide food provisions for us to home cook evening meals in house (more details sent out closer to the time).
Each evening there will be either a guest speaker or entertainment and ‘inter section’ fun and games will be held throughout the week. Members ride twice a day in addition to stable management lessons. We have a strict no mobile phone, alcohol and drug policy in place and members are required to sign a declaration of understanding to attend senior camp.
Members are expected to be able to:
All parents are expected to help with set up, take down or undertake duties throughout the week if camp is to happen.Overnight duty is the most important and we are required to have two women and one man on duty overnight while our volunteers get some much-needed rest. Dads of boys attending are strongly encouraged to sign up for overnight duty to help fulfil the overnight quota. You will be asked to complete a DBS check, safeguarding and First Aid are also an advantage.
Parents are required to stay within the local area in case of emergency but are not permitted to visit the site unless undertaking specific duties.
Applications for both camps will be secured on a first come, first served basis and on payment of a £50 deposit. Camp bookings will open on Sunday 2nd March and close on Sunday 22nd March. They will close earlier if full. This deposit is non-refundable should you chose not to attend camp.
CAMPS ARE SUBSIDISED BY THE CLUB AND WE TRY TO KEEP THE COST TO MEMBERS AS LOW AS WE CAN. We reserve the right to refuse a member from joining a camp or to move members from one camp to another dependent on suitability.
Once your place has been secured at camp, two further payments need to be made. If by the cut off date your Payment 1 has not been made we will assume you no longer want the place, and it will be passed to the next person on the waiting list. Once the deadline for each camp payment has passed, we are unable to refund you unless you can produce a Vet or Doctors certificate within 5 days of the closing date. I am sure you will appreciate that we have huge outgoings for camp, some of which must be paid in advance based on numbers. We always endeavour to work out a solution for signed up members if horse or other issues occur in the run up.
If you need to make alternative payment arrangements, or without additional financial support your child might not be able to attend camp, please speak to us.
Payment 1: by 31st May (£55 Junior, £187.50 Senior)
Payment 2: by 30th June (£55 Junior, £187.50 Senior)
All additional forms, which include the Veterinary form and camper medical information, accommodation form and parents help rota, need to be completed and submitted by 31st May 2025. This is essential as camp involves a considerable amount of planning and administration. A delay in receiving your forms delays the whole planning of camp. All forms will be available on the WHPC website under the camp’s section. We have made the forms digital, and a £30 fine will be given to anyone who does not complete them on time.
You will need to complete the following forms:
Junior Camp
Senior Camp
If you have any queries about the Woodland Camps 2025 or which camp is best for your child, please do contact Emma on or 07801 657536 to discuss.