Woodland Hunt Pony Club Selection Policy

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Woodland Hunt is keen to enter teams and individuals in as many competitions at every level as we can throughout the year. For all competitions:

  • Riders must be active members of the branch, regularly participating in rallies and training as well as participating in, and volunteering at WHPC organised events. The fundraising from our organised events goes towards Team Trainer fees and entry fees for Championships should you qualify. It is therefore vital that you have given something back to the Branch to help raise these funds by volunteering at the events we hold of which there are many throughout the year.
  • Volunteering at Area and Regional qualifying events is part of the application process and parents must be able to commit to volunteer at either the event their child is participating in or at another discipline event. 
  • They must be safely competing at the height/level as a combination that they wish to be considered for on a regular basis.  
  • They must have the correct tack and equipment in which to participate as per the current year Rule Book which they must have read and understood.   
  • Have completed the relevant MER’s which are specific to Woodland Hunt.
    • 3 ridden rallies (or C/C+/B Test training sessions) since September of the previous year as a combination of horse and rider.  One rally must have been in the current year.  Camp counts as one rally. 
    • Eventing – Completed a minimum of 2 one day events. Faults are acceptable but you must not have been eliminated.  Can be from PC/BE/Cotswold Cup/Horse Events competitions.
    • Strong competition record at the height/level for Show Jumping and Dressage with verifiable results at reputable venues run under PC/BE/BD/Riding Club rules. 

As a club we can enter teams, individuals or a combination of both. Teams must consist of three or four Members.  We will always field the strongest team(s) available and our preference is teams of four members. Scores for all competitors automatically count for the individual competition irrespective of whether they have been entered as part of a team or as an individual. 

Area/Regional Eligibility

The DC is required to certify the eligibility of the horse and rider when signing off teams.  Any breach may result in disqualification. Full eligibility rules should be referred to in the associated Pony Club Discipline Rule Book for that year.  Each parent/rider is responsible for ensuring they understand and comply with the Pony Club Discipline Rule Book and are eligible for selection. 

Combinations are permitted to compete at different levels of the same sport at the Area Competition and at the Championships but must have done their qualifying rallies on all combinations as laid out below. 

All competitors must be Members of The Pony Club both at the closing date for entries and at the date of the relevant competition.  

All horses and ponies must have genuinely participated at a minimum of three qualifying Rallies/Coaching/Training Sessions of this or their previous branch or centre since September in the previous year, one of which must have been in the current year, with the current rider as a combination. We keep a spreadsheet of attendance at rallies, camps etc for verification purposes.  Team practices, do not count as rallies. Team training is an additional offering but the more rallies and training you attend the more we get to know you as a combination and the better the team dynamics.  At the end of the day Pony Club is a training organisation and provides the best level of education both mounted and dismounted to be the best you can be. 

Competition Dates

Those applying for consideration must be available for the relevant Championship date for their respective discipline, considering possible overnight stays.  

If a member is keen to compete at an Area/Regional competition but is not available for the Championship, we may be able to – number of team entrants permitting – enter them as an Individual. If this is the case, you must make us aware at the outset of your application. 

Selection Criteria

The Selectors reserve the right not to send a Team or Individual to any competition.  The following criteria apply to those wishing to compete in a Team or as an Individual:

  • Combinations should be actively, safely, and successfully competing within the discipline at the associated level, with visible results. 
  • Results from the previous September up until the time of selection will be taken into account. 
  • Combinations should have attended the required working rallies and as many organised team training sessions as possible and have a good competition record.
  • Riders need to register their interest at being considered for Teams by completing and submitting the appropriate forms in full to the Teams Manager by the deadline.  These forms can be found under teams on our website. Applications not made of the form will not be accepted. Members are expected to provide updates to results up until the team selection date. 
  • Where we have more than four (or the maximum for the discipline) members applying to be part of a team, we will select the four that we feel are the strongest.  We would rather put forward a strong team of four rather than two teams of three. 
  • We reserve the right to make changes to team selection up to the declaration at the event if we see fit.  Such examples are poor performance, health, conduct, pony changes etc. 
  • Ponies must be vaccinated, and verified by branch, in accordance with the latest PC requirements. 
  • Parents have signed up to volunteer at an Area event as part of the selection criteria.
  • Parents/members have signed up for volunteering at WHPC events to help raise the funds to pay for Team Trainers/Champs where applicable. 

It is a condition of entry for Area Eventing that we provide three fence judges.  Members will need to nominate someone who his willing to do this as part of their selection criteria. The nominated person will need to be aged 18+ and available on the day from 8am to 6pm.  No previous experience is necessary.  This is in addition to other roles we have to fulfil at this event. 


Once a member has been selected for a Team or as an Individual, the place is only confirmed on receipt of the entry fee.  This will be facilitated via the usual bookings system.  No entry fees can be refunded without a vet or doctors certificate and there is usually a cut off date for this. 

If the Team/Individual qualifies for Championships, the club will pay the entry fee provided the member has fulfilled the expected volunteering requirements in Branch and at Area competitions.  Any additional costs, stabling, transport, accommodation etc. are to be covered by the Member.  However, in the instance that a member cannot attend the Championship after the closing date for entries we will expect the entry fee to be paid back to the club. 

Woodland will provide a Team Trainer for any Area/Regional Events where we have a FULL TEAM competing.  If this is the case, it is compulsory for all selected Team members to take part in the course walk with the trainer.  You may take your own trainer in addition to the selected Woodland Team Trainer. 

We will not provide a Team Trainer for events where we are sending Individuals or for a Composite Team.  If this is the case, Members are either responsible for making their own arrangements using a suitable trainer or request to the DC to co-ordinate with another Area 12 Pony Club that is attending for the Member(s) to utilise their trainer and pay an equal share of the trainer costs whatever that may be. It is not compulsory to take a Trainer with you to an event.  Individuals/Composite Teams are welcome to contact the DC to discuss Trainer requirements. 

The DC will attend Area/Regional events if able to do so.  Should this not be possible, a Team Manager will be appointed for the day (who is not the Team Trainer or a Parent) as a requirement of entry and the Area Rep notified. Competing members will be advised of this and all queries on the day should be directed through this representative. 

If a member is unable to put themselves forward for selection due to the financial constraints, they are encouraged to discuss their position (in strict confidence) with the DC and Treasurer to see if WHPC could subsidise some of the costs. 

If for any reason a member selected has to pull out of the Championships, we would expect the club to be refunded for the entry fee.

Team Spirit 

Woodland Hunt expects Riders and their supporters to have a good attitude and participate in all the required activities within the branch, both ridden and helping.  

Please see Representing Woodland Hunt Pony Club as a Pony Club Member for additional information and expectations on preparation, code of conduct and wellbeing. 

A high level of commitment to the varied aspects for the preparation process is important. Members should be supportive and help each other at all times as well as accepting advice in a constructive way. 

We will require all members who would like to be considered and accompanying parents to read and agree to the Codes of Conduct as laid down the The Pony Club.  


Horse and Rider fitness is crucial not only to the success of the competitor but also the safety and wellbeing of the Horse and Rider. Riders must notify the DC, Team Trainer or Team Manager of any change in their own health or fitness status, and/or that of their horse/pony or veterinary/medical management immediately, where such a change could impact performance. 

Your horse will need ‘down’ days both prior to and after competitions to prepare/recover. It is not only the physical but the mental toll on your horse that needs to be taken into consideration when completing MER’s and qualifiers. 


Appropriate discipline training sessions will be provided which you must attend as frequently as possible.  Dressage and show jumping sessions for example will be applicable to those doing either pure discipline or Eventing. The more you do, the better the team dynamics. 

“As a Member of The Pony Club, I stand for the best in sportsmanship as well as in horsemanship.

I shall compete for the enjoyment of the game well played and take winning or losing in my stride, remembering that without good manners and good temper, sport loses its cause for being. I shall endeavour to treat my horse with consideration.”

Mounted Games Progression Chart 2025