Here are some notes designed to help you understand our expectations, and that of The Pony Club as a whole, when you represent Woodland at a Pony Club competition whether as an individual or as a team member.
When you are attending a competition remember you are an ambassador for the Branch and you should show consideration for your horse/pony, your team-mates, your parents, designated trainers and the army of volunteers that make the event possible. Pony Club DC’s all know each other, and it is always lovely to hear reports of good sportsmanship and behaviour and not so nice to have to deal with any issues regarding bad sportsmanship or behaviour after the event.
Please make sure parents, members are supporters are all aware and understanding of their obligations.
Before entering a competition, and we recommend that you enter in good time as they often close early due to popularity which can lead to disappointment, make sure you have carefully read through the schedule and that you understand what classes you are/are not eligible for. On entering you are accepting to abide by the rules under which the competition is being run. In the case of a Pony Club competition, this will be under the relevant Pony Club discipline rule book for that year.
Prior to the event, ensure that your horse/pony is at the centre of all your considerations. Routine foot care, dental care, veterinary care, vaccinations, feeding and appropriate fitness are of paramount importance. If in doubt, seek advice. Be meticulous in your preparation ahead of the day. Make full kit and keep a box of ‘spares’ to include a headcollar, reins, girth, leathers, studs, spanners, gloves, hairnets etc – all of which are commonly forgotten items.
Both horse and rider will need to be immaculately turned out with:
We hope these notes help and that you have a fantastic time representing your club – please ask the DC, Team manager or trainers if there is anything you are not sure about.