Camps info and forms

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Main Camp Booking Slip 24

For members aged 10 years and over at Wetherby Racecourse, York road LS22 5EJ. Sunday July 21st-Sat July 27th arriving between 3-4pm on Sunday 21st, then ponies will leave Friday 26th late pm – and members will depart after prizegiving on Saturday 27th morning. Those who are unable to arrive on Sunday 21st please contact Barbara Birchall.

Members are encouraged to attend rallies prior to Camp for assessment.
Main Camp is for children 10 years old and above. Those who are aged 10 years will return home each night, Cost £275; and those 11 years and over will sleep in stables- Cost £300. If you wish to attend, please let Helen Vesty know by end of May and complete the Camp form, with a deposit of £100 via BACS. Balance please by July 1st.  BACS details; Nat West Bank a/c no 10735836 sort 60-12-26
CAMP T-shirts will be available to order directly from Wainwright’s this year and the link will be forwarded as soon as the shop is set up. To ensure members receive T-shirts before camp, orders need to be placed before May half term and any placed later than that are not guaranteed to arrive as they are a custom order for us, not a stock item. You may of course wear your T-shirt from last year.

Ponies will be vetted at Camp before entering, vaccinations should be up to date and please bring pony passports. Please ensure ponies are well shod or have clean, sound feet. No ponies/horses under 4 years of age please.

On arrival on Sunday between 3-4pm please follow PC signs to stable yard and park. Lists of stable numbers and bedrooms will be in the yard and you will need to prepare the stable before you unload ponies and trot them up. Please wear dark coloured jods and sweatshirt as you will need to put ponies’ beds down etc.

Ponies will then be taken to their stable, and you will be directed where to unload items for camp and pony.  Parents/helpers will be able to unload everything for members to organize later.
On Friday afternoon ponies will leave at approx. 5pm after mucking out boxes. Prizegiving will take place on Saturday morning at 10.30am, following which members will leave camp with the remainder of their belongings. Members need shirt, tie, jodhpurs, hat, and jacket for presentations please.
Although parents will be needed to help with catering, etc., we ask only those with a specific role to come into Camp.
N.B. Parents/grandparents able to help with catering please contact Jane Minikin asap The menus are easy, ingredients are provided, and much preparation is at home or in pairs at camp.  Help clearing up breakfast, lunch, and tea also needed, please also contact Jane.


Drinks and a snack will be available in the Vet box if members need to replenish fluid and energy levels throughout the day.

CAMP CHECKLIST: Please ensure every item is clearly marked with your name; this includes head collar and lead rope, saddles, and bridles (Elastoplast or tape on D ring) and all equipment and clothes.

For Main Camp;

Homemade cake in a tin (please name and take to kitchen)

Camp bed or mattress

Sleeping Bag or bedding and pillow

Folding chair

Short clothesline and hangers to go in stable /dressing room


Breakfast cereal if required.

Comfortable clothes for evening (please remember it is not a fashion parade, and no flip flops please)

Toiletries and towel.  Showers are available.

Underwear and warm pyjamas

Wet wipes, wash cloth

Please bring; Jodhpurs, tie, gloves, badge, riding jacket and riding boots. You should bring long sleeved white shirts for each day and beige/white jods for each day for tack and turnout which will be judged every morning, no plaiting necessary. Coloured jods for afternoon work

Riding hat to PC standard

Body protector for jumping up to PC standard.

Waterproof coat


Knife, fork, spoon, plate. bowl, mug with handle.

Water bucket, ideally 2 x 3gallon buckets so they can be carried. Feed bowl and haynet

Head collar and rope

Tack cleaning kit

Grooming kit

Saddle and bridle /Saddle horse

Small Wheelbarrow/brush/shovel /shaving fork if have one- all not too large and easy to handle and spring rake if have one.

Hard feed as required for 5 days only please, made up into 10 small bags –Good quality hay and straw will be supplied and if your pony requires haylage, please bring your own supply. Every horse needs feed; if only chop and carrots.

All ponies will use straw as bedding this year. Please bring shavings for ponies’ bed and a shaving rake if your pony cannot tolerate straw. You will need to clear all shavings from the stable and at the end of the week take home or leave in bags.

NB Mobile phones are NOT ALLOWED into Camp please. The PC will not be held responsible for any personal electronic equipment members bring into Camp.

On each day the PC will provide a hot breakfast (except cereal), a snack lunch and an evening meal.

Please restrict the amount of food brought in at the beginning of camp. Special dietary requirements should be noted on the booking slip.

RE sleeping arrangements, following discussion with your PC friends, please complete the section on form regarding whom you would prefer to a share with. Each stable sleeps two approx. There are a couple of larger ones probably for the more senior members. We hope to have enough stables to have some for sleeping and some for clothes and changing.

Trailers may be left at owner’s risk

  • Parents/grandparents able to help with catering please contact Jane Minikin asap The menus are easy, ingredients are provided, and much preparation is at home or in pairs at camp.


Mini Camp Booking Slip 24

Mini Camp is for members 9 years and under

Weds 31st July – Friday 2nd August from 9.30am- 4.30pm

Mini Camp is to be held at Gatehill Farm Allerton Park HG5 0SF by courtesy of Mr and Mrs Wilson Close

The cost of Mini Camp is £150. Please complete the camp form on the website and forward to Helen Vesty as soon as possible to confirm your place. Please pay by BACS by 20th June
BACS details; Nat West Bank a/c no 10735836 sort 60-12-26
CAMP T-shirts will be available to order directly from Wainwright’s, and the link will be forwarded as soon as the shop is set up. To ensure members receive T-shirts before camp, orders need to be placed before half term and any placed later than that are not guaranteed to arrive as they are a custom order for us, not a stock item. You may of course wear your Camp T-shirt from last year.

All vaccinations must be up to date (within12 months). Ponies should be well shod/trimmed and sound.

Ponies stay and children go home each evening and return by 9.30am the following morning, ponies staying must have back shoes removed and please indicate on the camp form any pony special requirements. Please apply sun cream to children and ponies alike prior to or on arrival should it be required.

Please wear dark coloured or cream/beige jodhpurs, pony club sweatshirt, boots, shirt, tie and badge. Show/hacking jackets are not required.

You will need to bring; a packed lunch each day including a drink as well as the following:

  • Riding hat of correct standard, properly fitted with chin strap, fastened at all times when mounted.
  • Back protector for jumping.
  • Rainwear and change of riding wear in case of wet weather.
  • Wellies
  • Saddle and bridle to be taken home daily.
  • Head collar and lead rope – clearly named.
  • Hay net and 3-gallon bucket- full hay net required daily.
  • Tack cleaning and grooming kits
  • Lightweight turnout rug (if you have one)

Please ensure every item is clearly marked with your name, including head collar and lead rope, saddles and bridles (Elastoplasts or tape on D ring is useful for this)

Parents are welcome to stay and see their children settled before leaving. The parent or guardian of a child on lead rein may stay IF we do not have sufficient helpers to devote one to each child. Each day will start with the grooming of your pony.

Please arrive on Weds 31st Jul to drop off at 9.30am and in the afternoon each day (except the final day) at 4.30/5p.m to collect children (and ponies if appropriate).

Rosettes and awards are presented on the final day, parents/grandparents/friends are welcome to attend from 2.30p.m.