Welcome to the Area 8 website.

The Pony Club is divided into 19 geographical Areas throughout the UK.

The Pony Club has been the starting point for a large majority of equestrian team members, equine professionals, and medal winners. Training is at the heart of The Pony Club, providing opportunities to build knowledge on improving equine welfare, rider safety and enabling Members to develop lifelong skills, alongside riding, and having fun!

Area Competitions and Training are offered across counties to provide wider opportunities to our Branch and Centre Members, promoting the growth of new friendships and greater team work. The Pony Club offers the chance to participate in 9 different sports, including Dressage, Showjumping, Eventing, Polocrosse, Mounted Games, Polo, Pony Racing, Tetrathlon and Endurance. All members also have access to The Pony Club’s Training Pathway where you can achieve Badges, Tests and Awards.

Membership of The Pony Club is open to anyone up to the age of 25. Whether or not you have your own horse or pony, we have a membership option for you. To find out more about Membership click here PCUK.org.

Our website shares news on all activities happening in this Area, if you have any questions, please visit our Contact Us page to get in touch with the Area Representative or the Centre Coordinator. We look forward to welcoming you at the next event.

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Hetta Wilkinson – Area 8 Representative 

Hi everyone I am your Area Rep, and I will endeavour to do the job to the best of my ability.

I have lived in Essex all my life and I have owned horses all my life , which is quite a considerable time now but it never ceases to amaze me that I learn new things each year as with innovation and research we find out more and more about our four legged friends.

I used to event and I also point to pointed a bitand I have my B.H.S.I. I have two sons and a daughter , all in their twenties now , who all enjoyed Pony Club ; luckily for me , my daughter is still really keen and shares my passion. So if I am not at an Area 8 competition this summer I will be out eventing with Alicia.

I used to event and I also point to pointed a bit, and I have my B.H.S.I.  I have two sons and a daughter, all in their twenties now, who all enjoyed the Pony Club; luckily for me, my daughter is still really keen and shares my passion, so if I am not at an Area 8 competition this summer I will be out eventing with Alicia!We run all sorts of Area competitions in Area 8: as well as all the usual ones, we also have some which are unique to area 8 like the Gosling cupthe Bloom Cup, the Calvert Cup and the Pony Club Challenge. Please have a good look round this website, as well as your own Branch website.
I look forward to meeting you all at the various competitions and trainings that we have coming up this year, and if you would like anything added to our Area 8 website, please contact please contact Frances, our Web Administrator. Please do also send Frances photographs, reports and any news you may have!



The Pony Club offers all of us a lifelong interest, knowledge and love of horses and ponies. Training and enjoyment, challenge and achievement, fun and friendship are all equally important to uslifelong friendships and Horsemanship are our true goals. The Pony Club offers you an excellent route for refining your horsemanship through its unique Test ladder, with Achievement Badges and Efficiency Tests going right up to The Pony Club A test, which is highly thought of all over the world.

As a member of every Branch in Area 8, you have the chance to go to Pony Club Camp, but be warned: this can become a lifelong habit!  If you ask the Coaches or Branch Committee members why they volunteer to run your Branch, many of them will say it is because of their own enjoyment as members of the Pony Club.  All Branches are run entirely by volunteers without whom it would be impossible to provide such a varied programme, and we are so grateful to all of them.  Branches welcome every parent as a volunteer, as much for their skills outside the equestrian world as in it.  There are a myriad of jobs to be done.

Area 8 includes Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire, East Hertfordshire and East Lincolnshire.

As a senior Branch member you can join the Coaches at your Branch, or even use your Pony Club B test as part of your Gap Year travel plans.

Join The Pony Club Today

For Fun, Friendship, Horsemanship and Sport