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The Beaufort Hunt branch of the Pony Club is one of 21 branches within Area 9.
We run regular training sessions and rallies throughout the year, mounted and unmounted which cover all ages and abilities.


Our emphasis is on the Pony Club values of ‘Fun, Friendship, Horsemanship and Sport’.
Whether you are just starting out, love competing or are somewhere in between we hope to ensure that there is something for everyone.


We also run a number of competitions plus, three main camps, Mini, Juniors and Senior as well as a Tetrathlon camp.
Members range from the age of pre-school to 25 years.



Please note that PC membership is now a rolling membership, ie. 12 months from the day of payment
Please contact our membership secretary Emily Akerman 07903 845574 or for more information


A great place to meet and make lifelong friends!

Our loo roll challenge video from 2020 –

2020 Badminton in Lockdown videos –
Part One Event Preparation –
Part Two The Trot Up –
Part Three The Dressage –
Part Four The Speed & Endurance –
Part Five The show Jumping & Finale

Wild swimming videos from our Tetrathlon team