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Show Jumping contacts


Mrs Selina Hopkins –,  07788 660856   (80cm and under)
Mrs Jo Luddington –, 07941 948505   (90cm-110cm)


Once you feel able to do a course of jumps from 50cm, and would like to take part in Pony Club team show jumping competitions you just need to email Jo Luddington or Selina Hopkins. They will need to know your name, age, pony’s name, parent email and phone number, what level you are training/competing at and any other information you think is relevant. They will then add you to the SJ emailing list and they will keep you updated on upcoming competitions and SJ training/rallies. Competition classes are from 50cm to 1m10.
If you aren’t quite ready to jump 50cm at competitions then don’t worry there are plenty of rallies on the programme which will give you lots of practice and help you get ready to compete!


Show Jumping Spring Festival (previously known as Winter Series/Dengie)


About the Spring Festival

The Pony Club Show Jumping Spring Festival has evolved from the Winter Series and runs alongside Dressage and now Arena Eventing. Riders will compete to qualify for the Spring Festival Championships. It will be one of the main sporting events in the Pony Club calendar!

Qualifying Stages

There will be up to three stages of the Show Jumping Spring Festival depending on region. England and Wales:

  1. Preliminary Rounds for Show Jumping are held between August and March to enable competitors to qualify for their Area Competition.
  2. Area Competitions for Show Jumping will be held in March for those who qualified at a Preliminary Round.
  3. Those who were successful at their Area Competition will go forward to the Championships.

Scotland and Northern Ireland:

  1. Preliminary Rounds for Show Jumping are held between August and April to enable competitors to qualify for the Championships
  2. Those who were successful at a Preliminary Round will go forward to the Championships.



There is regular unaffiliated Winter SJ at Tumpy Green and Buryhill Equestrian (suitable for more novice or pony combinations), Summerhouse, Rectory Farm, Hartpury, West Wilts, Moores Farm and Wickstead Horseplay.