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Hunting contact

Renee Tuck –, 07919 288977


HUNTING 2023/24


The Pony Club is hugely grateful to the Hunt for being so welcoming to the Pony Club children. It is a privilege to be hunting with The Duke of Beaufort Hunt therefore please remember that you are representing the Pony Club and should be on best behaviour – ‘pleases’ and ‘thankyous’ go a long way and are always welcome!



Hunting with the Duke of Beaufort Hunt 2023/24

The Hunt are looking forward to the 2023/24 Season. Currently Hunting Subscribers, Hunting Farmers and Beaufort Hunt Pony Club children are all invited to hunt with the Duke of Beaufort Hunt however there are a few restrictions for children for everyone’s safety.

  • If you have any general queries reference starting hunting please ring Renee the Hunting Rep on 07919 288977 who will be very happy to help – please do however remember that it is not the Hunting Rep’s responsibility to ‘nanny’ your children, it is not a creche and the hunting field is definitely not a suitable place to drop off your child and expect others to look after them! A suitable responsible adult should be pre-arranged. Think of it like skiing, you wouldn’t drop children off alone on a mountain and hope the other skiers keep an eye on them! We are just being safe not difficult!
  • If you have queries reference a meet or cap payment please ring James Smith, the Hunt secretary, on 07977 500342
  • Pay the cap either cash on the day or in advance via Direct Bank Transfer Beaufort Hunt, Sort 30-92-06, A/c 01314759 £10 for 12years and under / £20 for 13yrs – 18yrs. 18yrs+ should speak to the Hunt Secretary to clarify their cap.
  • PC members 15yrs and under must be accompanied by a paid up subscriber or Hunting Farmer and must stay with them while on the hunting field.


Hunting Etiquette

Upon arrival if it is possible please say good morning to the Master and the Hunt Staff and find the Hunt Secretary to hand in your ‘cap’.

Please listen to the instructions of Hunt Staff at all times and follow the Field Master wherever possible, do not go off on your own as you may interfere with hunting.

Parents (or responsible adult) are to ensure that they are with/in sight of their children at all times, simply being on the hunting field IS NOT ENOUGH.

Accompanied children are expected to keep to the back of the field especially on a Saturday. Up front is not a good place to be on a small pony!

The hunting field is not the place to test your ability to jump larger fences than normal, should you have a stop move out of the way quickly and find another way round. DO NOT keep attempting the same jump


Hunting Dress

The correct dress for children under the age of 18 is a tweed jacket and coloured hunting stock or pony club tie, with brown boots and chaps (black is ok too) and a plain blue or black hat silk. Long hair MUST tied in a tight bun in a hairnet. A Pony Club waterproof coat is also acceptable during bad weather and a body protector is advisable. No jewellery should be worn especially earrings and they can get caught in branches.


Red and Green ribbons

If you know your pony kicks please put a red ribbon on its tail and keep it out of the way. You are still responsible for making sure it does not kick anyone! A red ribbon does not give you permission to go wherever you want hoping that everyone else gets out of your way. Neither does a green ribbon, which should indicate a young horse or pony or one that is new to hunting. This pony should also be kept quietly at the back, until you are confident that it is going to behave and not kick.




Subscriptions and Rules for Beaufort Hunt Pony Club Members

Subscriptions are due by September 1st, subscriptions paid after this date will increase by £50 per horse/pony per month.



Collection of tickets and young people’s’ caps will commence on 1st October. 

Re rules 4(d) and 8(c) & (d) a ticket system is now in operation. 

Tickets must be obtained from the Hunt Secretary at the appropriate rate in advance. Payment by cash on the day is NOT acceptable. 

Rule 4 (d) Young people ages 18 to under 22 years on 1st October should speak to the Hunt Secretary to clarify their cap due.

Rule 8 (a) The only children who may hunt with the Beaufort Hunt are those whose parents reside within the boundaries of the Beaufort or are members of the Beaufort Hunt.

  • Children who do not qualify under rule 8(a) but are members of the Beaufort Hunt Pony Club, and aged under 18 on 1stOctober, may also be allowed to hunt with the Beaufort Hunt under rule 8(c) or 8(d) as appropriate.
  • Children aged between 13 and less than 18 by the 1stOctober will be required to make a donation of £20 each day that they hunt. See ticket note.
  • Parents of children under the age of 13 by 1stOctober will be called upon to give a donation towards their children’s hunting of £10 each day that they come out hunting. See ticket note.

Rule 9        The above rules do not apply to bona-fide Farmers and their immediate dependant families whose principle occupation is farming land over which the Duke of Beaufort’s hounds hunt within the boundaries of the Beaufort Hunt



  1. All horse boxes and trailers must be parked off the road; try to put them into a yard if possible, but ask the owner first. Do not park across gateways.
  2. Every member of the hunting field is responsible for shutting gates, so DO SO. Any damage at all must be reported immediately to the Hunt Secretary.
  3. It is common courtesy not to be late.
  4. Courtesy is always important; PLEASE remember to thank ALL FARMERS / LANDOWNERS for allowing us to cross their fields, cars for slowing down for you, and people who open or hold gates for you, and always be polite.
  5. Parents who are following the day’s hunting in cars are asked to follow the instructions of the Car Stewards. Do not park in gateways.  Do not drive on private tracks or land.




Hunting Certificate

The hunting certificate is suitable for children 12yrs+ and involves an unmounted hunting course, a tour of the kennels and an assessed days hunting. For the assessed days hunting it is best for children to have some hunting experience and be on a suitable pony so that they can be invited to ride up front with hounds to be assessed.

If your child is going to be hunting they should take their Hunting Certificate at the earliest opportunity. To find out more about what is involved in taking your hunting certificate please click HERE – Once they have passed they should always wear their Hunting Certificate badge and try to be as helpful as possible.

All Pony Club members who have not passed their Pony Club Hunting Certificate MUST be accompanied by an adult at all times, a slightly older sibling who has passed their Hunting test is not enough.

Even if they have passed their Hunting Certificate they must not hunt unaccompanied until they are over the age of 15. Any child looking after a younger sibling should be at least 18. This also applies on Children Priority meets.

Whether you have passed your hunting test or not, if you have a pony that you have not hunted before, you must go with an adult the first time to make sure the pony is safe.   Any child not in control will be asked to go home.