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Tetrathlon and Triathlon Contact


Mrs Alex Connors –, 01249 783530



Tetrathlon Shoot and Swim training takes place nearly every Wednesday evening throughout the year.

Location: Park Farm Westonbirt (Shoot) and Westonbirt Sports Centre (Swim)

To shoot competitively you need to be 8 years old but you can compete throwing Bean Bags at a younger age.

To join swim training you need to be able to swim a length confidently and be able to swim without tiring for at least a half hour session.  Please try to get swimming regularly once or twice a week with another coach/club before applying.

If you are keen to join in, or would like some guidance/advice please contact Alex Connors.


If you would like to take part in Pony Club Team and Individual Tetrathlon Competitions then you need to email Alex giving her your child’s name, age, pony’s name, parent contact details, what level you are currently training/competing at and any other information you think is relevant.