Triathlons & Tetrathlons

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Triathlon & Tetrathlon Sport Manager – Lisa Horder


What is Triathlon & Tetrathlon?

Classes are by gender & age as of the 1st January.

Intermediate – 25yrs & under

Juniors – 14yrs & under

Minimus – 11yrs & under

Tadpoles – 9 yrs & under

Beanies – 7yrs & under

Triathlon – is shooting (or bean bag throwing for the under 8s), swimming & running.


Tetrathlon – is shooting (or bean bag throwing for the under 8s), swimming, running & Cross Country riding.

Tetrathlons are usually over 2 days but can sometimes be all in 1 day.

You can enter competitions as an individual or you’ll be entered as part of a branch team.

Teams are made up of 4 competitors & the 3 best scores count.

Shooting – We have Pony Club guns for practice & competitions.  We hold regular practice evenings.

The guns are all single shot 4.5mm calibre air pistols. There are some pellets you can use for practice but we ask if you are going to practice regularly that you buy a box of pellets.

No child under 8yrs can shoot at Pony Club events & no child under 18yrs is allowed to carry a gun at a competition.  If your are considering taking part in competitions you need to go to practice regularly so that child & parent responsible will be given proper tuition & guidance involved with handling the gun & the rules & regulation for competitions.

At competitions you have a practice target where you can take up to 5 practice shoots.  Then you have 2 competition targets & shoot 5 shots per target.

Tapoles shoot at 7m, 2  handed at a turning target.  Juniors shoot at 7m, single handed at a turning target.  Intermediates shoot at 10m, single handed at turning target.

Shooting Do’s & Don’ts ….


  • Arrive at least 15mins early – sometimes the details can change & you might end up in a different detail.
  • Always wear long sleeves – ideally your Pony Club sweatshirt.
  • Always wear long trousers.  Some insist on covering ankles as well, so best to wear socks.
  • Only unbox your gun when instructed (No person under 18yrs should be responsible or carry a gun).
  • Always load away from the competitors – point the gun down the range at all times.
  • The ‘loader’ should always wait for all the competitors to have had their shot BEFORE approaching the table to reload.
  • Safety glasses need to be worn when shooting.



  • Do not wear boots, nothing above ankle height – trainers are best.
  • No talking or communicating during the competition shots – you can ONLY give guidance during practice shots.

Beanbagging – Branch has a large beanbag target to practice technique at practice rallies.  At competitions you can have a little practice & then you have 10 beanbags to aim at the target.

Swimming – at competitions you have a group warm up time. Beanies, tadpoles & minis swim as many lengths as they can in 2 minutes.

Juniors swim for 3 minutes.

Intermediate girls swim for 3 minutes & intermediate boys swim for 4 minutes.

You are scored for every metre swam.

Swimming Do’s & Don’ts….


  • Make sure you arrive for your warm up in plenty of time.
  • Sometimes the swim can be before running, so girls might find it better to wear a swimming hat so they aren’t running with cold wet hair.


  • Boys should not wear Bermuda short type trunks – Swimming trunks are best.

Running – Runners go off at 1 minute intervals over a measured course.

Beanies have a course of between 500m to 1000m.  Tapoles run 1000m.  Juniors & intermediate girls run 1500m.  Intermediate boys run 3000m.

Running Do’s & Don’ts….


  • Walk the course before the event & make sure you are warmed up ready before your time.
  • Take wellies, coats, gloves etc for the course walk – that includes the parents.  It can get very muddy & cold walking around.
  • Encourage your team!



  • No running with the competitor or acting as a pace maker – you may give instruction & encouragement whilst running (lots of positive shouting is always good!)

XC Riding (Tetrathlon ONLY) – Beanies course is usually a small enclosed arena.  The other classes riding takes place over fixed Cross Country fences.  Tetrathlon courses usually include a gate to be opened & closed whilst mounted & a slip rail, at which the competitor dismounts, takes down one side, leads their pony over, replaces the rail & remounts.

Maximum points are awarded for a clear round.  Points are deducted for various faults or an L option taken or if child is being led or assisted. There is always the option to jump the course in the next class down.

Beanies course is max or 40cms, Tadpoles course is max of 60cms, Minis course is max of 80cms, Juniors course is max 90cms & Intermediates course is max 100cms.

XC Riding Do’s & Don’ts….


  • Wear body protectors (with the 2018 safety label).
  • Riding hats with the Pink hat tag.
  • Medical arm band – this is required for ALL levels.
  • Wear long sleeves – Cross country colours, Pony Club base layer or sweatshirt/hacking jacket with shirt & tie or stock.



  • No earrings – not even studs.
  • No whips over 30” length & they nee to be the padded ‘race whip’ type.