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What is Dressage?

Dressage is a sport where horse and rider perform a series of predetermined movements set out in a dressage test with precision and grace. It emphasises the harmony between the two, showcasing the horse’s athleticism and the rider’s skill in communication and control.

A judge marks the test. They give you a mark out of ten for how well you carry out each instruction. At the end of the test the marks are added up and the winner is the horse and rider with the highest score.

How Do I Progress Further?

As you and your pony get better and your confidence grows you may want to take part in a competition. If you cannot remember your dressage test, don’t worry as someone can read the test out loud to you (apart from at Area Competitions and the Championships).

Check out what Events and Competitions you can enter through our Calendar.


Area Dressage will take place on 7th July 2024 at Alnwick Ford