Competition Information

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Competition Hints & Tips


We are part of Pony Club Area 12

Interbranch competitions for all levels are held throughout the year by us and neighbouring Branches. Area competitions are qualifiers for PC National and Regional Championships. See the Calendar for Branch, Area and Championship activities and dates.

We often send teams from the branch to competitions.  These teams are made up of 3 or 4 (3 best scores count) to most events, but individuals can also compete so there are opportunities for everyone to have a go.   We can also send more than one team if there are enough for more than one team to enter.

To be eligible for Area competitions, you must be a member at the closing date for entries and on the date of the competition and you need to have attended three qualifying rallies/training sessions since 1 July in the previous year by the date of the competition. One must have been in the current year.

Taking part in competitions, can seem a bit daunting, especially in the beginning, and so this page has been put together to help with any questions you may have.

Rallies & Branch Activities

By joining in with the rallies and branch activities, you will begin to gain experience and confidence within the Pony Club.  You will also start to get to know other members of the Grafton Pony Club.

What to enter

You will find under the calendar page branch events as well as area  national events.    Take a look at the dates and where they are.  Also make sure that the eligibility criteria is suitable.  Different events, branches and areas may have different criteria.

What to wear

In general, follow the ‘Dress and Tack information’, including plain brown or black tack. However, dress, tack and bits allowed can vary between sports. There is guidance below.. More details are in Pony Club Rulebooks that can be found here.

New equipment is not expected, but what is worn (by rider and pony) must be clean, safe, neat and tidy. There is often a “tack and turnout” competition at PC Show Jumping events and ‘tack and turnout’ checks at other events.

Hat/bridle cameras or electronic devices are not allowed to be worn by rider or pony.

Pony Club badge and test felt (as applicable) to be worn on the left lapel.



Ponies should be fully plaited and have a solid colour, white, blue, brown or black saddle pad. There should be no logo on the saddle pad unless you are using the Grafton Hunt Pony club team saddle pad.

White, cream or beige breeches/jodhpurs (with or without dark-coloured contrast seat); traditional jackets (tweed or black or navy); white or cream shirt (short or long sleeves) with PC tie or PC stock. Gloves must be worn.

Martingales are not permitted, neckstraps and breastplates are. Boots and leg bandages are not permitted in the competitions, but can be used for warming up.  Whips, of any length are allowed.

Show Jumping

Ponies should be fully plaited and have a solid colour, white, blue, brown or black saddle pad. There should be no logo on the saddle pad unless you are using the Grafton Hunt Pony club team saddle pad.

Martingales, breast plates and neckstraps are allowed.  Batons are allowed and must be padded (no less than 45cm or greater than 70cm in overall length; contact area is 2/5ths of overall length and covered by a smooth ‘pad’).

White, fawn, beige or light grey breeches/jodhpurs (with or without dark-coloured contrast seat); traditional jackets (tweed or black or navy); white or cream shirt with PC tie or PC stock. Gloves are optional.


The rules for pony tack & turnout for the Dressage and show jumping phases are the same as the individual competitions – see above.

For the SJ & Dressage phase a traditional style riding jacket mut be worn with a Pony Club tie or hunting stock stock with a white or cream shirt.  Number bibs should be worn for all three phases.

For SJ & XC

Padded whips (batons) are allowed

For XC a body protector is compulsory

For more detailed information on the rules please head here