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Mounted Games

Mounted games are a fun activity for all members both young and old, lead rein, juniors and seniors and the emphasis is very much on having fun.  

A variety of gymkhana games have been devised to test the skill and agility of both the rider and the pony.  All games are played in teams, usually with 4 people in a team.  The simplest race is a bending relay and as then additional equipment gets added in to the things more of a challenge.  Typically you may be putting mugs on top of bending poles, dropping items, in a bucket, collecting quoits from a table and putting them on a cone, or moving flags between cones.  The games change regularly and it’s amazing how quickly the ponies get the hang of what they have to do.

Everyone is welcome to come along to the Gymkhana rallies which will start in the Easter holidays.  The charge is £5 per rider and the rallies are drop-in, though it is always a good idea to let us know you are coming in case of change of venue or cancellation.  Experience shows that the slower, steadier ponies are often the best bet games as correcting mistakes take time, so don’t put put off by thinking you need a mini racehorse.  Small is also good as you will need to be able to get on and off.  It’s quite possible for two children to share a pony at the rallies (and indeed the competitions) so long as a parent is willing to help change jockeys quickly.  Dress is informal at rallies – hats, boots and long sleeves are compulsory, but jeans and jumpers (no hoodies) are absolutely fine.  Similarly there is no tack and turnout until you go to a competition and even then you do not have to plait.

The Prince Philip Cup is the “official” Pony Club competition!  There are two age groups at the area competition, one for those aged 10 and under on 1st January (Juniors) and one for those aged 14 and under (Seniors).  The teams will be picked from those who would like to take part in a competition but there is no compulsion to do so.