Quantock Hunt | Area 15

The Equestrian Youth Organisation

Welcome to our Branch of The Pony Club. We have Members from the age of 3-19, who participate in a variety of activities, from Rallies, Competitions, Tests and Camp.

The Pony Club is a unique youth equestrian organisation, providing the opportunity to participate in 9 different sports.

At our Branch we focus on Dressage, Showjumping, Eventing and Tetrathlon.


The Pony Club has been the starting point for a large majority of equestrian team members, equine professionals, and medal winners. Training is at the heart of The Pony Club, providing opportunities to build knowledge on improving equine welfare, rider safety and enabling Members to develop lifelong skills, alongside riding, and having fun!

We welcome you to have a look around this website to find out more about us. We are a fun, friendly and inclusive Branch.  We have members that go to private school. state school and home schooled, we have flashy ponies and scruffy ponies, we have boys and girls, we have children that have no additional needs and we have children with ADHD, ASD, Asperger’s etc.  Our members help each other enjoy our sport and encourage each other to learn and progress!

Visit our Contact Us page to get in touch with any questions you may have.


Please also support us by signing up to easy fundraising.  Please follow the link.


Join The Pony Club Today

For Fun, Friendship, Horsemanship and Sport