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Tetrathlon Team manager – Looking for a manager



What is Tetrathlon?
For those of you that are new to this discipline it involves four phases including Air Pistol Shooting, Swimming,  Running and Cross Country Riding.  You do not need to be good at every phase!  You can be any age to take part ,  although you need to be Age 8 to be allowed to shoot. Those under 8 can still take part but will throw beanbags into a bucket for points instead. Details of local tri/ Tetrathlons and schedules are available on the Pony Club – Area 8 website.


In the summer months pony club holds tetrathlon competitions (the three phases above plus cross country riding





Sally Ann de la Sayette is running regular Training, normally on a Sunday afternoon.  These sessions are for open to all Area 8 Pony Club members from beginners to those who are accomplished Tetrathletes.
Sally Ann has started a WhatsApp Group called ‘PC Shoot Training’ and all you have to do is text her on 07713 404460 and ask to be added to her PC Shoot Training WhatsApp group stating name and age of your child/children on 1.1.2019.
Sally Ann will then include you in all details of her Shoot training sessions.  
If you do not know which Group your child should be in just ask – this is meant to be fun and a way to keep your child interested and improving. You do not have to go to every session 
It also gives all PC members a chance to catch up with their friends and meet new ones.
All Training will be held at –
247 – 249 St Neots Road
CB23 7QL
It is in the Isuzu building at Mark Weatherheads.