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Tetrathlon is a very personal goal sport, where each time you compete you can improve your score in each phase, but also be part of a team of similar aged members.  The scoring for shooting is out of 1000, running a set distance you get points for your time, swimming for a set time you get points for the distance you swim and riding you get points for going clear, and it also involves getting on and off and opening a gate/slip rail.


Ride – This phase of competition provides an opportunity for the rider and mount to demonstrate equestrian skills over a cross country course to include opening a gate and dismounting to negotiate a slip rail. (A small course of jumps – usually fenced in – is set up for the under 8’s)

Run – The Run phase of competition challenges each competitor’s physical stamina and endurance. The course is designed over cross-country terrain covering a set distance.

Shoot – The shoot phase of competition tests a competitor’s skill with a total of ten shots at a target.

Swim – The swimming phase of competition allows competitors to demonstrate their swimming skills for a set time, with points given for every metre they swim. Weaker swimmers are catered for with outside lanes and swim aids often allowed to encourage younger children.

Please contact George Dinnis for entry details and he can make up teams where appropriate.


Please scan the QR code to below to keep up to date with all the latest Tetrathlon/Triathlon information on our WhatsApp group.  There will be documents and links and media if you press the three spots at the top of WhatsApp for things that are always useful, then the news on the front page.