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Get kitted out

Each Pony Club branch has its own team colour and ours is red. We have a range of branch clothing, some for wearing at rallies and activities and some for competitions.

We run a second hand shop (stock held by Emma, our DC) which has a variety of good condition preloved riding clothes, including jodhpurs, jackets, boots and tops (skins and polo shirts). Contact Emma to find out what is currently available or to donate any outgrown items.

The branch secretary, Helen, holds limited stock of branch clothing such as waterproof coats, sweatshirts, polo shirts and XC skins. Contact her for details of sizes she currently has available.

A full range of our branch clothing, as well as WKS saddlecloths (needed for competitions) can be ordered from our online shop.

If you are unsure what clothing you need for our various activities, please contact a committee member for advice. We’re always happy to help.