Horse & Pony Care

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Sharon Ray manages Horse & Pony Care, Tests and Achievement Badges.

Horse & Pony care covers both the theory and practical elements of looking after your pony: everything from feeding, health, fitness and shoeing to first aid, rugging, bandaging and loading.  There is often a stable management element to our working rallies, when members can  learn all about an aspect of pony care or countryside life and gain a badge.  Click here for a full list of current badges.

Pony Club members can also take tests appropriate to their age and level of experience, from E up to A. Once you pass the test you receive a certificate and a coloured felt to go under your Pony Club membership badge. Find out more about PC tests here or contact Sharon to discuss which level is suitable for you.

There is an annual Horse & Pony Care Quiz every year with the chance to qualify for PC Championships. There is also the Area Quiz where members can qualify for the Dodson & Horrell Final. Both competitions are for teams made up of members of all ages. If you’d like to get involved please speak to Sharon.