Summer Camps

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Pony Club Camp is a highlight of our year. It’s where lifelong friendships and unbreakable bonds with our ponies are made and every day is full of fun and brilliant memories that will last a lifetime.

We are very lucky to hold senior and junior camp at Judd Wood Farm just outside Tonbridge. The ponies are stabled in a large barn and campers have a spacious club house.

Senior camp

Senior camp is usually held the first week of the school summer holidays (Monday – Friday). For those aged 12+ it’s a residential camp where the children sleep in pairs or small groups in a tent/camper van/horse box.  Ponies and children stay for the week, enjoying delicious food, riding twice a day and trying a huge range of fun and educational activities.

2024 dates: 22-26 July

Junior camp

Junior camp is usually the week following senior camp (Monday to Thursday) and is suitable for members aged 8 -11 who are competent at walk and trot off the leading rein, in an open field with other ponies. The ponies stay for the duration and the children attend each day, bringing a packed lunch and a change of clothes.

2024 dates: 29 July – 1 August

Mini camp

Mini camp is a two-day camp for members aged 4+ who are not yet ready for junior camp. It is usually on the Tuesday and Wednesday of junior camp, at a different location. Ponies and children come each day and the parent/guardian stays all day too. Bring a packed lunch.

2024 dates: 30 & 31 July at East Hill Farm, Knatts Valley