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Local trail and drag hunts have played an important part in the history of the Pony Club. Many Pony Club branches were formed as a way of teaching children how to care for and ride their ponies out hunting, which is why many are named after their local hunt. Hunting is a great way for you and your pony to go cross country, forming a partnership, improving your riding and meeting like-minded people of all ages (and most importantly having great FUN)!

Trail Hunting with the Old Berks Hunt

OBHPC Branch Hunting Rep: Jess Simpson

Details of where the hunt meet each week are published a few days in advance so please contact Jessica Simpson for details and an introduction, if needed, to the hunt secretary for future dates. The OBH usually meet on a Wednesday and Saturday from 1st November until March, depending on weather conditions.


The following recommendations are from The Masters of the OBH.

  • Children 5 and under should be on a lead rein.
  • Children 6-12 should be accompanied, unless they hold PC C Test or have the requisite experience to hunt unaccompanied.
  • Children 13-17 can hunt unaccompanied if they hold the PC Hunting Badge, or the PC C Test, or have the requisite experience to hunt unaccompanied.

The Old Berks Hunt welcomes all members of the Pony Club and offers a discounted rate for current members displaying their Pony Club badge.

Wednesday meets 
Under 18 – £20 (Non members £30)
18-30 – £40 (Non members £60)
Saturday meets
PC members
Under 18 £20  (Non members £30)
18-30 – £50  (Non members £70)

Drag Hunting with Berks & Bucks Draghounds

OBHPC Branch Drag hunting rep: Vic Ruffy

Drag hunting is a sport in which a pack of hounds follow an artificial, non-animal-based scent laid by a human over a pre-determined route where the ‘Field’ (those on horseback), take advantage of any natural obstacles they may cross – hedges, rails and ditches for example.

Hound Exercises

  • Adults (18 and over) – £20
  • Children (under 18 years) – £10

Main Season

  • Adult (18 and over) – £65
  • 12-18 years – £40
  • 1 adult with 1 child under 12 years – £75
  • 1 adult with 2 children under 12 years – £90

Rallies and Children’s Meets

Childrens’ Meet are organised throughout the season. These meets are exclusively for children or those accompanying children and is suitable for all abilities.

We also hold hunting clinics throughout the season to introduce children to the etiquette of hunting while riding cross country. There are also various opportunities to go on hound exercises and kennel visits during the summer/autumn. Keep any eye on the calendar and social media for details.

Correct Dress

Tweed jacket (hunting coat for older members)
Shirt and pony club tie (stock for older members)
Beige Jodhpurs
Long boots or short boots and half chaps
Plain dark hat silk
Warm gloves
Body protectors are recommended and are a great way to keep warm!
Ponies should be clean and tidy, and plaited. If your pony might kick, please ensure it wears a red ribbon and stay towards the back of the field.


If you are sending your child out unaccompanied, please ensure that there is a responsible adult able to keep an eye on them (this should be arranged in advance, not at the meet), and please follow on foot so that you are on hand in case of problems.

Neither the Hunt nor its individual member can accept any liability or responsibility for any accident or incident to any supporter or follower of the Hunt.

Children must be competent in all paces, and if they are not able to jump hunt fences it is important that they are accompanied by someone able to look after them so that they aren’t separated from the rest of the field.

Carrying a sugary snack or chocolate bar is strongly recommended!

Each hunt has their own code of conduct so please check with our hunt representative when booking in. 

Hunting Badge

The hunting badge is intended for members who intend to hunt regularly, in order to foster a greater understanding and knowledge of hunting.  It demonstrates a certain level of knowledge and riding ability and may offer reassurance to the Hunt of a member’s capability on the hunting field. Please speak to our hunt representatives for more information.