Sports and Teams

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Details of Area Competitions can be found on the Area 8 website

Here you can find the SPC-Team-selection-policy-2023/24

What are the Grassroots Regional Championships?

The Pony Club Grassroots Regional Championships are an entry level team competition in Dressage, Show Jumping and Eventing which are ideal for the more novice Branch and Centre Members. They’re a perfect stepping stone for anyone looking to compete at The Pony Club Championships in the future!

How do I qualify?

Each Pony Club Area will hold a qualifying competition, where a number of teams will progress through to the Championship for their region.

Competitors must meet certain eligibility criteria in order to enter .- that you are  entering via your Members login to the Resource Hub

Further information can be found here


Team Leads  2024

Eventing  –           Alison Barber – 01359 251229    07860 183158

Endurance –   Tom Eaton- Evans –

Dressage  –       Jane Crawford 01787 247101 07813 281206

Gosling Cup – Jane Crawford01787 247101 07813 281206 andClare Pettitt:

Horse and Pony Care – Clare Pettitt:

Mounted Games – We are looking for a manager please.

Show Jumping –  Sara Monksfield – 07769 692952 –

Tetrathlon – We are looking for a manager please.

Quiz – Judith Esterhuizen – 01284 723897 -07789 711800 –