A Trophy is presented annually to the holder of most CFHS Branch Points in each age group:-
Senior 14 years +
Intermediate 11-13 years
Junior 8-10 years
Mini 7and under
Each year
· Points earned after September 1st will carry over into the next year
· Members changing age groups on 1st Jan will carry forward their Sept – Dec points into the next age group
Nb. Turnout Points and the Turnout Trophy are completely separate from CFHS Branch Points.
The turnout points are taken from all our turnout rallies and one day is calculated from camp. This is a maximum of 30 points per rally, given by the instructor for Horse/Tack/Rider. “Tack and Turnout rallies” will be highlighted on the calendar. They are the all day rallies.
CFHS Rally and activity Points are presented at the annual prize giving and are awarded for:-
· Passing Pony Club Tests
E/D = 5 points
D+=10 points
C care/C riding= 10 points (5 points each section)
C+ care/B care/Lunging= 10 points
C+/B/B+ riding = 10 points
A/H and A test = points will be awarded on passing sections and full test
· Gaining Pony Club Achievement Badges
(3 points advanced badges, 2 points main, 1 mini badge)
Attendance rallies throughout the year
2 Points will be awarded if you attend. These will say when they are on Horse Events on the Calendar — look out for them. The all day rallies – Keld/Ousby/Holme Bottom/Dunnings and our competition – Dressage/SJ in May, Fun Show in August, mini ODE in September
Representing CFHS on Area Teams- Quiz, H&PC, Games, SJ, Dressage, Eventing, Tetrathlon
Per member/combination per sport (main pony only)
Each sport 3 points
Qualify for the Winter Triathlon Finals 3 pts
Qualify for the Barrier Spring Festival Finals 3 pts