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Cumberland Farmers Hunt South Information for rallies and events

Check CFHS FACEBOOK & CALENDAR regularly for rally/event details and updates – and contact the named organiser if any queries. Organisers’ contact details are on CFHS website CONTACTS page . Most rallies will include a “Stable Management” session, for which Members need to bring with them their Pony Club Manual of Horsemanship, a notebook and a pen.

To be eligible to attend CFHS Summer Camp, Members must have  attended two ridden rallies  in the current year, prior to Camp. Members must show commitment to be selected for the branch teams.


Every Member attending a rally/event must have an adult with them who is responsible for them – no Member or horse/pony may be left unattended. Members who are on the lead rein must be led by a person aged 18 or over. If you intend to bring a different horse/pony to a Rally – please inform the organiser in advance. You must have your pony’s PASSPORT with you and the pony’s vaccinations must be up to date!  

To Pay for your place :
Events are bookable online, via the calendar on Horse Events.  Please follow the instructions for the event on the calendar page. 

BACS: Payment to Cumberland Farmers Hunt Branch of the Pony Club
Sort Code – 20-66-97
Account No   00307521
You must reference rider surname and the rally date 

REFUNDS: Will only be made for cancellations – due to DR or Vet reason, notified directly to the organiser. 

Cumberland Farmers have turnout rallies throughout the year. This will be stated on the calendar page. At these rallies you will be given marks out of 10 for the Horse, Tack and Rider. These points go towards the end of year trophies. For all rallies please read our dress code. DRESS CODE: All RALLIES 


Riding Hats will be checked by Officials at all Pony Club events, they must fit correctly and must be tagged to show that they comply with the current Pony Club standard.  If your hat is not tagged with the PINK  you will not be allowed to ride.

CFHS Official Hat Taggers are:- Fiona Veitch, Suzanne Richardson Joey Armstrong & Amy Veitch

If you are a new Member or you have a new hat, contact one of these people to get your hat tagged BEFORE taking part in any PC event.  Members and their parents / guardians must bear this in mind when buying new riding hats.  Hat standards have been unified across The Pony Club, British Riding Clubs and British Eventing with the introduction of pink hat tags.    Tagged hats may still be randomly spot checked.

Body protectors are compulsory for Cross Country and Pony Racing.  If a Body protector is worn for any Pony Club activity it must meet BETA 2018 Level 3 standard (blue and black label).

CFHS Rally and activity Points are presented at the annual prize giving and are awarded for:-

· Gaining Pony Club Achievement Badges (5 points advanced badges, 3 points main, 1 mini badge)
· Passing Pony Club Tests
E/D = 5 points
D+=10 points
C care/C riding= 10 points (5 points each section)
C+ care/B care/Lunging= 10 points
C+/B+ riding = 10 points
A/H and A test = points will be awarded on passing sections and full test

Representing CFHS on Area Teams (5 points) per member per sport
Being Placed (1st to 6th) at ANY CFHS run competitions (eg Xmas SJ, fun shows, mini ODE)

1st =6 points etc. If you ride more than 1 pony at an event. Your places on 1 pony will count.

A Trophy is presented annually to the holder of most CFHS Branch Points in each age group:-
Senior 14 years +
Intermediate 11-13 years
Junior 8-10 years
Mini 7and under

Each year
· Points earned after September 1st will carry over into the next year
· Members changing age groups on 1st Jan will carry forward their Sept – Dec points into the next age group

Nb. Turnout Points and the Turnout Trophy are completely separate from CFHS Branch Points.
The turnout points are taken from all our turnout rallies and one day is calculated from camp.  This is a maximum of 30 points per rally, given by the instructor for Horse/Tack/Rider.  “Tack and Turnout rallies” will be highlighted on the calendar.